
Trials,Tribulations and Happy Moments in my busy life

Tuesday 25 October 2016

UP NORTH on tour with Sue and Winnie #5 Lincoln Cathedral and the Services Chapel

Hi folks,
last from the Cathedral

In the North Transept is the Services Chapels, a very interesting place with all three services represented. You will notice above the entrance which the screen is made of Deal are various figures. At the top is King Alfred, the Saxon King 849-901 and to the left lower is Henry V 1387-1422  To the right is Edward the Black Prince Below that is an escutcheon of Remigius an unidentified Bishop ( probably Remigius) 

The RAF altar. 

Plaque with reference to Bomber Command.

Closeup of the carpet in the chapel.

On the entrance to the chapel are two solder models the one above on the right is from the 19th century. 

The model on the left of the entrance depicts a solder of the great war. You can see them in the entrance to the Chapel in the opening shot.

Moving on to the Chapter House, the ceiling is wonderful, you have to visit to see its structure.

In the Chapter House, a magnificent round structure with it's centre pillar and stained glass windows all around.

Lastly there was a themed  exhibition called Illuminations by Toni Watts who produces artwork using traditional materials and gold leaf, her work is outstanding. I asked if I could photograph the exhibits and she happily agreed and thanked me for asking.

Lastly a close of her work using gold leaf as well as organic colours as used by monks in the past.

Hope you enjoyed the visit to the Cathedral, there is so much more to see and we spent over two hours photographing and looking around. Regards Mike.

1 comment:

  1. Another interesting post Mike.... love that Art work by Toni.. she sure is talented, as were the artists of the day ....
    Cheers Mike... coffee finished... back tomorrow... catching you up now!
    E xxx
